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Self-hosting LangSmith on Kubernetes

Enterprise License Required

Self-hosting LangSmith is an add-on to the Enterprise Plan designed for our largest, most security-conscious customers. See our pricing page for more detail, and contact us at if you want to get a license key to trial LangSmith in your environment.

This guide will walk you through the process of deploying LangSmith to a Kubernetes cluster. We will use Helm to install LangSmith and its dependencies.

We've successfully tested LangSmith on the following Kubernetes distributions:

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • OpenShift
  • Minikube and Kind (for development purposes)

To review all configuration options, look at the values.yaml for the LangSmith Helm Chart.


Ensure you have the following tools/items ready. Some items are marked optional:

  1. A working Kubernetes cluster that you can access via kubectl. Your cluster should have the following minimum requirements:

    1. Recommended: At least 4 vCPUs, 16GB Memory available
      • You may need to tune resource requests/limits for all of our different services based off of organization size/usage
    2. Valid Dynamic PV provisioner or PVs available on your cluster. You can verify this by running:
    kubectl get storageclass

    The output should show at least one storage class with a provisioner that supports dynamic provisioning. For example:

    gp2 (default) Delete WaitForFirstConsumer true 161d

    We highly recommend using a storage class that supports volume expansion. This is because traces can potentially require a lot of disk space and your volumes may need to be resized over time.

    Refer to the Kubernetes documentation for more information on storage classes.

  2. Helm

    1. brew install helm
  3. LangSmith License Key

    1. You can get this from your Langchain representative. Contact us at for more information.
  4. Api Key Salt

    1. This is a secret key that you can generate. It should be a random string of characters.
    2. You can generate this using the following command:
    openssl rand -base64 32
  5. Configuration

    1. There are several configuration options that you can set in the langsmith_config.yaml file. You can find more information on the available configuration options in the Configuration section.

Configure your Helm Charts:

  1. Create a new file called langsmith_config.yaml. This should have a similar structure to the values.yaml file in the LangSmith Helm Chart repository. Only include the values you want to override to avoid having to update the file every time the chart is updated.
  2. Set the appropriate values in the langsmith_config.yaml file. You can find the available configuration options in the Configuration section.

You can also see some example configurations in the examples directory of the Helm Chart repository here: LangSmith Helm Chart Examples.

Deploying to Kubernetes:

  1. Verify that you can connect to your Kubernetes cluster(note: We highly suggest installing into an empty namespace)

    1. Run kubectl get pods

      Output should look something like:

      kubectl get pods                                                                                                                                                                     ⎈ langsmith-eks-2vauP7wf 21:07:46
      No resources found in default namespace.
  2. Ensure you have the Langchain Helm repo added. (skip this step if you are using local charts)

    helm repo add langchain
    "langchain" has been added to your repositories
  3. Run helm install langsmith langchain/langsmith --values langsmith_config.yaml --namespace <your-namespace> --version <version>

    Output should look something like:

    NAME: langsmith
    LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Sep 17 21:08:47 2021
    NAMESPACE: langsmith
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  4. Run kubectl get pods Output should now look something like:

    langsmith-backend-6ff46c99c4-wz22d       1/1     Running   0          3h2m
    langsmith-frontend-6bbb94c5df-8xrlr 1/1 Running 0 3h2m
    langsmith-hub-backend-5cc68c888c-vppjj 1/1 Running 0 3h2m
    langsmith-playground-6d95fd8dc6-x2d9b 1/1 Running 0 3h2m
    langsmith-postgres-0 1/1 Running 0 9h
    langsmith-queue-5898b9d566-tv6q8 1/1 Running 0 3h2m
    langsmith-redis-0 1/1 Running 0 9h

Validate your deployment:

  1. Run kubectl get services

    Output should look something like:

    NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)        AGE
    langsmith-backend ClusterIP <none> 1984/TCP 35h
    langsmith-frontend LoadBalancer <external ip> 80:31591/TCP 35h
    langsmith-hub-backend ClusterIP <none> 1985/TCP 35h
    langsmith-playground ClusterIP <none> 3001/TCP 9h
    langsmith-postgres ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 35h
    langsmith-redis ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 35h
  2. Curl the external ip of the langsmith-frontend service:

    curl <external ip>/api/tenants
  3. Visit the external ip for the langsmith-frontend service on your browser

    The LangSmith UI should be visible/operational


Using LangSmith

Now that LangSmith is running, you can start using it to trace your code. You can find more information on how to use self-hosted LangSmith in the Self-Hosted Usage Guide.

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